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Marylebone Interiors Day - Little Greene Colour Award

Marylebone Interiors Day - Little Greene Colour Award

June 10th, 2015
Little Greene

Little Greene celebrated Marylebone Interiors Day by presenting the Little Greene Colour Award to one of Regents University London’s Interior Design students.

Denise Stoelzel with Little Greene Showroom Manager Robert Paul: Image courtesy of Mark Gower, Regents University London

Our Marketing Manager, Ruth Mottershead and Showroom Manager, Robert Paul were impressed by the extremely high standard of the work presented and the wide range of varied concepts on display.

The winning design was chosen for its attention to detail and its combination of texture, colour and focus on human interaction and connectivity.

Created by 23 year old third year student Denise Stoelzel, the project portrays a potential new space for BNI Olympian’s active hosting business referral concept. It aims to encapsulate the organisation’s values through the use of transparency, opacity and reflectivity.

Denise said: “We actually worked on this for nearly a year. In the beginning it was about research and finding the right site for the client, finding the right building, looking at where the sun comes from to orientate the building, looking at the entrances and whether you change that. So the first half a year was just about the site and a little bit about the concept and how you would approach it. The second year was actually the designing part and the presentation as well because if you have an idea, what I found in my studies is I have an idea but I find it hard to bring it across sometimes.”

Denise was inspired to create the piece by the social nature of BNI’s business and her own experience of networking.

She said: “Something I found increasingly in my third year was everyone was telling me ‘you have to get out there, you have to get socialising with people in the industry, to learn things and to get more opportunities when you finish.’ I didn’t really know what to do there, I found it really hard to approach people and I didn’t really know exactly what to do when I was at those events so I looked more into how people generate business for themselves and that’s where I came across referral organisation BNI. I found them really helpful because what they do is help small businesses generate business for one another.”

Denise admitted that her design course had helped her to develop an understanding of colour and its importance in design and architecture.

“In the beginning I thought I’d shy away from colour a little bit because it’s always easier just to go for glass and wood. You always think it’s a bit more modern to not use colour but now that I’ve grown as a designer, I really find that colour provokes emotions with people and you don’t really have that without colour. Colour is really something that if you use it well, you get an effect that you wouldn’t get otherwise.”

The Little Greene showroom celebrated Marylebone Interiors Day by inviting visitors to enter a prize draw to win a colour consultation at the launch of the artwork.

You can watch our interview with Denise here.

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